The academic curriculum, through the traditional approach, is developed to provide students with the best possible program of studies. There is emphasis on the mastery of the fundamental blocks of material necessary for satisfactory achievement in these areas. Along with the acquisition of facts and concepts in the areas studied, emphasis is placed upon the development and exercise of the powers of reasoning. Methods of teaching that are proven to be effective are utilized with a constant search for better methods. Realizing the difference in innate ability, we encourage and expect each student to perform to his maximum. We believe the traditional system of education best educates the mind and builds good character. It also encourages competition and teaches the value of living under a free enterprise system of government.
At Book of Life Academy we use the Abeka book program exclusively for our 3 - 4 year old students. Our four-year old students learn to read using this enjoyable program. The K-3 and K-4 programs provides a portion of the regular K-5 program, on the three and four-year-old level. Beginning with letters and sounds, students progress to reading words, sentences, and stories in their own reading books. They then take the books home to enjoy reading over and over again. Our Pre-K classrooms are suited to learning with tables and chairs for learning, posture and writing. The students have ample space and carpet for playing, songs, poems, centers and nap time. The students that move on from our Pre-K typically are successful, independent learners.
The outstanding Kindergarten reading program provides a great foundation for the future. Five-year-old students learn to recognize and write the letters of the alphabet along with their sounds and actually begin reading by December. Besides reading, your child will learn to count by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s to 100 and recognize the numbers before and after and other arithmetic facts. Children also develop valuable habits and social skills through daily experience.
At Book of Life Academy we use the Abeka book program exclusively for our 3 - 4 year old students. Our four-year old students learn to read using this enjoyable program. The K-3 and K-4 programs provides a portion of the regular K-5 program, on the three and four-year-old level. Beginning with letters and sounds, students progress to reading words, sentences, and stories in their own reading books. They then take the books home to enjoy reading over and over again. Our Pre-K classrooms are suited to learning with tables and chairs for learning, posture and writing. The students have ample space and carpet for playing, songs, poems, centers and nap time. The students that move on from our Pre-K typically are successful, independent learners.
The outstanding Kindergarten reading program provides a great foundation for the future. Five-year-old students learn to recognize and write the letters of the alphabet along with their sounds and actually begin reading by December. Besides reading, your child will learn to count by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s to 100 and recognize the numbers before and after and other arithmetic facts. Children also develop valuable habits and social skills through daily experience.